Today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic and I’m sure all of you will find it very useful for your business.
We are going to talk about the business offer. And how you can create an offer your customers will find really hard to refuse.
By offer, I mean your unique business proposal that you present to your new customers either verbally on your website or maybe through your social advertising.
Why is it so important to have a good and clear offer to attract new customers? Well it’s pretty simple. Your potential clients don’t know you yet and they are trying to decide who to deal with based on the offers they have received from other businesses such as yours. Your offer needs to stand out from the rest.
A good offer will help you to sell your products or services much easier and with less pressure put on the customer. Our study also shows that some offers can boost business sales by up to 400% percent.
The most common issue that we have come across by dealing with many businesses in Australia, is the uncertainty of the offer being presented to their potential customers.
And what I also come across on a regular basis is that the majority of businesses owners don’t have any offers at all.
There are literally thousands of different business websites out there and when you visit them, all they talk about, is the greatness of their business, the years they’ve been in business, services they provide, how they started and so on.
But there is nothing about, exactly what they can offer their potential customer, the clear benefits that their client will receive if he or she decides to work with them.
We always have to remember 3 main things when it comes to making an offer.
1st Is it clear. By clear I mean if your customer reads or listens to it, is it clear what you are actually offering. Do a test with your friends who are preferably not from your industry. Tell them your offer, ask them if the message and offering is clear enough. Then ask for honest feedback.
2nd are there any obvious benefits for the customer if he decides to work with your company versus your competition. How does your offer stand out? The good exercise here will be to open 3-4 websites you feel are your closest competitors and check what they offer on their websites. Pretend that you are the customer. What will attract you the most?
Compare your offer versus your competition.
3rd Does your offer pose any risks associated with your customer making a decision to take it on board.
There is always at least one risk that your customer faces when he is accepting your offer, which is spending his money and time, but then not receiving what he was promised. How does your offer address this risk?
Now keeping all of these 3 points in mind, let’s try to create some offers for potential clients.
I know that every business is different and obviously you have your own risks to consider but I will try to give you some basic examples just so you can get an idea.
Let’s say if we have to create an offer for a local painting company.
It can be something like this:
On average our quotes are 20% lower compared to the competition. Everything will be discussed upfront, no hidden costs.
Or another example for a local car wash business.
If it rains within 24 Hours after we wash your car, come back and you will receive a FREE external clean from us.
Or maybe for a local electrician.
Call us today for any electrical work you need done and you will also receive a 20% discount for any new work required during the next 15 Months. This offer is transferrable to your family members and friends.
One thing to remember though is that you should avoid the clichés.
So for example if its common in your industry to provide a free quote for customers and all your competitors are doing it already, then be more original, come up with an offer that sets you apart from your competitors. It is that simple.
I hope these examples mentioned will give you some useful ideas for your business offers and that the video was helpful.