In this video I will cover the 3 most common reasons why your potential customers are not calling you after visiting your website. Before going any further, I just want to point out that this video is intended for the owners of the service type businesses.
So if your main goal is to receive enquiries via phone calls or contact form submissions from your website, then this video is definitely for you.
The main question I receive again and again from business owners, is how to improve the conversion rates from their website. By conversions I mean the number of website visitors converted into real customer enquiries.
Sometimes we have business owners who look like they have done everything right. They have created a website, they have started some paid advertising campaigns, people are visiting their website, but still they receive no calls or emails.
So let’s discuss the possible reasons why and what could be wrong?
First things first.

You need to ask the question – how many people are actually visiting your website and where are they coming from?
Before trying to analyse what might be wrong with your website, make sure you have decent traffic. By that I mean how many potential customers are actually visiting your website.
If you are unfamiliar with the Free Online Tool called Google Analytics, I highly recommend you to install it on your website and check it on a regular basis.
Google Analytics data is very valuable and can show you the number of people coming to your website during any particular time frame, where are they coming from such as places like Google, Yellow Pages Facebook or others. It can also tell you what countries site visitors are from and plenty of other useful information about your website traffic.
2nd Check your website speed.
It may be that when you open your own website it will load quickly on YOUR computer or mobile, but it does not mean that this is the case for your NEW website visitors.
The rule of thumb here is that your website should load within 3 seconds for any NEW visitor. The faster the better of course. If it takes longer, you can lose up to 60% of your website traffic as people just don’t have the time to wait and will go elsewhere.
The best tool to check your website speed, which is also FREE, will be the Google Speed Test.
I will include a link to this tool under the video description so you can find it easily.
3nd. What are the reasons a new visitor would need to contact your business straight away?
I always advise our clients to think from the customer’s point of view. Just think about it.
Most of your potential customers who are searching for local services, will open up to 3 to 4 different websites including your competitor’s and depending on what they see first or what offer stands out, will then base their decision of who to contact.
So you need to make sure you have an attractive offer on your website. It has to be clear, concise and preferably unique. Don’t use the usual clichés such as, we provide free quotes. If it’s an offer that is very common in your industry, your potential clients will not pay attention.
If you want to learn more about how to create an offer your customers can’t refuse, please watch our specific video that I’ve posted on our YouTube channel.
I hope this video was helpful and I will also include a link under this video which will take you to the free PDF file that you can download from our website. It will contain links to all the Free tools that I mentioned above and some examples of the unique business offers.
Please let us know, in the comments section below, the steps or strategies you take to get those potential customers to contact you? We always welcome new ideas from our Audience.
Grow your business together with
My name Is Max Shubin.
Have a great day!